How to Supply Artwork to Captain Cyan

If you are sending artwork to us we have the following information to help you

We recommend using WeTransfer to upload and share artwork with us, we have a short guide below to help you use WeTransfer to send us your artwork files.

However, you can share files with us using other sites, such as DropboxGoogle Drive and other online Cloud hosting providers.

All shared files should be shared with [email protected].

When sending us your artwork we ask you clearly list your requirements, eg:

  • Artwork1.JPG - 2 x A1 Premium Matte
  • Artwork2.PDF - 1 x A2 Premium Satin
Sharing Artwork With Us

Please ensure that you give us read access to any files or folders you share using your personal Cloud provider.


If you have any questions regarding sending us your artwork or order you can contact us on 020 3005 4495email us, or use our Live Chat

We accept the following file types

  • PDF (preferred)

Artwork must also be below 400Mb in file size

Please ensure you have set your artwork to the correct dimensions and resolution for the type of order you are placing as we do not adjust artwork (cropping etc)

We have artwork templates for Roller Banners available here

Please Note:

We don't make any alterations to artwork (such as cropping or stretching), only scaling to fit your ordered size, so please ensure your artwork matches your ordered size, or add Order Notes to the order letting us know the size you want.

To get the best print your artwork should be 300 DPI (dots per inch).

This helps to ensure that the final print is not pixelated or lacking in detail.

For some applications, such as Outdoor PVC Banners, which will be viewed from several metres away, the DPI can be lower, such as 150 DPI.

Where possible we recommend using vector based artwork, vectors are resolution independent and can scale in size infinitely without loss of detail. Typically vector artwork will come in PDF format, although PDF can still have raster based resolution dependent images within it.

Typically, photographs or scans are raster based, and will be in JPG, PNG or TIFF format. These have a set resolution and size and will become pixelated if printed too large.

You can calculate your artworks DPI by using this site and entering the horizontal and vertical dimensions.

We always inspect artwork before printing and will let you know if we think there may be any issues with your artwork.

Of course, we can print different sizes to the standard A paper range, our printers can accommodate any width poster up to 1.5m and any length up to 30m.

If ordering a custom size online you will need to choose the paper size that your artwork will fit in to.

For example, if you wish to order a 50 x 70cm print this would fit in to an A1 print size as A1 is 59.4cm x 84.1cm.

You then add in the Order Notes the specific size you want your artwork printed at, ensuring your artwork matches your requested print dimensions.

If you have several artworks in an order you will need to identify which of the artworks are to be printed at specific sizes.

If ordering by email we ask you clearly list your requirements, eg:

  • Artwork1.JPG - 2 x 50x70 cm Premium Matte
  • Artwork2.PDF - 1 x 50x50 cm Premium Satin

This helps us to more quickly calculate your order and check your attached artwork matches your order requirements.

To send us large artwork files we recommend using WeTransfer which allows you to send us multiple files quickly and easily.

WeTransfer Guide

WeTransfer allows you to easily send files up to 2GB in size and without registration, allowing you to send multiple artworks in one go to us.

Step 1

Open the WeTransfer site

  • click the blue round circle icon at the bottom left of the dialog box
  • Ensure that the Get Transfer Link option is chosen
  • Drag and drop your artwork and wait until the upload has completed (you can add more files as necessary)

Step 2

Once your upload has completed:

  • Press the Get a Link button
  • WeTransfer will generate a unique link
  • Copy the link (CTRL + C on Windows, CMD + C on Mac, or Right mouse click and choose Copy)
  • Follow Step 3 guidelines below to email us this link

Step 3

Email us at [email protected], pasting the WeTransfer link in to the email

(CTRL + V on Windows, CMD + V on Mac, or Right mouse click and choose Paste)

Also ensure that you provide all relevant details for your order, this includes:

  • Order number (if sending new artwork)
  • Your name
  • Contact telephone number
  • Order type (posters, canvas etc)
  • Quantity
  • Delivery method or collection
  • Delivery address (if applicable)

This allows us to process your order much quicker and means we can reply to you with a full quote for your order.